Recruitment Strategies for Small Businesses

by Pauline Meredith-King


\Employees Are Your Business’s Greatest Asset

No matter the size of the business—whether it’s a small coffee shop or a large business—employees play a crucial role. They are the "face" of your company and the main contact point for customers, leaving lasting impressions that can be excellent, poor, or just average, based on their service.

To have great employees who fully embrace your company’s culture and values, you need to start before they even join your team. It begins with the recruitment process, which is a big decision and shouldn't be rushed. Take your time to lay the groundwork so you can make an informed choice.

However, in reality, many businesses realize they need a new employee too late, leading to a rushed hiring process. While you may want to fill the position quickly, hiring someone just because they’re available can create short-term solutions but long-term problems if they don’t have the right skills or passion for the role.

A strong recruitment process should focus on the specific job requirements. Start by clearly defining the role: What’s the purpose of this position? What will the person be responsible for? What skills do they need? Take time to define the role first, before thinking about who will fill it. Once you have a clear job description, you can create a performance management plan to track how the new hire is doing and make sure they’re growing in the role over time.

With a well-written job description and performance plan in hand, you’re ready to advertise the position and start searching for the perfect candidate. You know the skills, passion, and work ethic you’re looking for—don’t compromise. Take the time to find someone who is the perfect fit for the job, rather than rushing just to fill a spot.

Ready to Optimize Your Recruitment Process?

Let The Business Group help you find the right talent for your small business.